Thursday, 12 September 2019

Noonya Books Blog is Back!

After a long hiatus...due to forgetting key elements of the access to the blog's contents, I could not write on this blog. Every week, I missed this place, like a person feels a missing tooth. Like a  person longs for butter on plain bread. Like a person pines for lost love, I refused to start any new relationship with any blog (kes:). Somehow it did not feel right. I felt like to do so, would  make this blog be gone forever.

So here I am today. Thanks and Glory be to God! For those who believe in God, I can only attest to His Goodness for this..and of course to Google and Blogspot who kept this place running for all these years and never shut me down. Unlike one of my bankers did recently; despite a nearly 20 year old relationship!,  once I did not add more money to our relationship (my account)..and they had whittled away the few hundred dollars  I had in there by deducting various fee charges regularly, they  Bank ended our relation-and they did not even let me know they had moved on:( ...I am not mentioning names, don't worry. With not so much as a bye-bye. Like that hoity toity relative who does not like to talk to you anymore when you do not have the bucks. I should have known better; that relationship was, we know,  all about the money anyway from the very start. We both knew that; the bank and I.

So Noonya Books Blog, Welcome me back. With a big hug to a good book.

Briefly, the current book under review is;
Becoming Yourself by Irvin D. Yalom.
Oh my  A beautiful book about life. About living and growing into yourself by Irvin D Yalom. a psychiatrist. I understand why all those people gave him so many awards for his other books. He is a great writer; healing with his words. If I could translate that book into my mother tongue, I would.. and into so many other African languages. Beautiful book written by a human who  is wise and gentle as he navigates through life  like we all do in our little corners of this beautiful earth as he.consistently seeks to learn from and teach others . Becoming Himself.
May we all do similarly.

Go buy or read that book soon.  Please. It is availablel on Amazon and may other places.
(Amazon and Noonya Books blog don't have any relationships, in case you are asking.. we.just share this particular interest;  books).

Have a great rest of the year and  welcome you and I, back to Noonya Books Blog!