Thursday, 29 May 2014

Susan Kiguli: A Wonderfully Great Writer

Ugandan writer and poet Susan Kiguli wrote a great anthology of poems  titled 'The African Saga'.
Published by Femrite (1998).

This great book of poems,  i hope will be required reading for Literature throughout Uganda schools soon (if it has not been already). The book resounds with such beauty, there is resonating truth, warmth and hushed drama in her many and varied poems.  Poems about love, the longings of men and women,  about war, about Amin and the struggle to understand who we are as Africans. Poems about just being African.   The African Saga should be on everyone's shelf  and desk. The book is preferably read while reclining with a cup of tea and a couple of samosas on a quiet evening.

What a refreshing array of poems from one of our very own and a  truly great writer. Susan Kiguli is refreshing in her writing and ability to communicate so well about the beauty and tears, the triumphs and the paradoxes associated with living in Africa.
Author Susan Kiguli; A Ugandan Great Writer
 Her book is available at Femrite Offices and in many bookshops in Uganda and can also be bought online at

Susan Kiguli is inspiring  the present and next generation of writers. 

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